Blok apartemen, Rudolfintie 21
00870 Helsinki, Laajasalo
In this bright home, the squares are nicely placed. Three bedrooms, a spacious living room plus a kitchen with a place to the dining table. Beautiful hallway with lowered ceilings and kitchen renovated in 2019-2020. The quiet house is well maintained, the plumbing renovation was carried out 2019-2020, in connection with which the bathroom in the apartment has also been renovated. The household company has a sauna, laundry room, workshop, car wash place as well as a nice playground for children and a barbecue area for staying. THe location has kindergartens, a school, shops and the Saari shopping centre with a wide range of services. Close to the sea and good opportunities for outdoor activities and sports. The transport links are already operational and will be further improved by the Kruunusillat tramway, which will be completed in the area in the future. RESERVE YOUR OWN INTRODUCTION TIME. Presentations and sales: Riikka Juslenius 050-420 0105.
Harga jual yang tidak terbebani
€268.000 (Rp 4.571.938.094)Kamar
4Kamar tidur
3Kamar mandi
1Ruang tamu
86.9 m²Detail dasar
Nomor daftar | 664184 |
Harga jual yang tidak terbebani | €268.000 (Rp 4.571.938.094) |
Harga penjualan | €202.064 (Rp 3.447.109.453) |
Bagian dari kewajiban | €65.936 (Rp 1.124.828.641) |
Bagian kewajiban dapat dilunasi | Ya |
Kamar | 4 |
Kamar tidur | 3 |
Kamar mandi | 1 |
Kamar mandi dengan toilet | 1 |
Ruang tamu | 86.9 m² |
Pengukuran diverifikasi | TIDAK |
Pengukuran berdasarkan | Anggaran Dasar |
Lantai | 2 |
Lantai perumahan | 1 |
Kondisi | Memuaskan |
Lowongan dari | 1 month from the date of trade |
Parkir | Tempat parkir, Tempat parkir dengan stopkontak, Garasi |
Spasi |
Kamar mandi Aula Ruang tamu (Barat) Dapur (Barat) Kamar tidur (Timur) Kamar tidur (Timur) Kamar tidur (Timur) Balkon berlapis kaca (Barat) |
Tampilan | Lingkungan, Alam |
Penyimpanan | Lemari/lemari, Basis penyimpanan bawah tanah |
Telekomunikasi | TV Kabel, Internet serat optik |
Permukaan lantai | Parket, Memecahkan dlm lapisan tipis |
Permukaan dinding | Cat |
Permukaan kamar mandi | Ubin |
Peralatan dapur | Kompor induksi, Kulkas freezer, Lemari, Kap dapur, Mesin pencuci piring, Oven terpisah, gelombang mikro, Mesin cuci, Sambungan mesin cuci |
Peralatan kamar mandi | Mandi, Sambungan mesin cuci, Pemanasan di bawah lantai, Mandi bidet, Kabinet, Tenggelam, Dinding kamar mandi, Tempat duduk toilet, Kabinet cermin |
Survei asbes | Bangunan ini dibangun sebelum tahun 1994 dan belum dilakukan survei asbes. |
Bagikan | 17100- 18073 |
Keterangan | 4rooms, kitchen, bathroom/wc and glazed balcony |
Detail bangunan dan properti
Tahun konstruksi | 1969 |
Inaugurasi | 1969 |
Lantai | 3 |
Mengangkat | TIDAK |
Jenis atap | Atap datar |
Ventilasi | Ventilasi alami |
Kelas sertifikat energi | D , 2018 |
Pemanas | Pemanasan distrik, Pemanasan air sentral |
Bahan bangunan | Konkret |
Bahan atap | Dirasakan |
Bahan fasad | Dinding bata |
Renovasi |
Rencana renovasi 2024 (Selesai), Government maintenance needs survey for the years 2023-2027 (February 13, 2024). Atap 2021 (Selesai), Urgent repairs of the roof. 1993-1994 Replacement of roof coatings Pemanas 2021 (Selesai) Kunci 2021 (Selesai) Area umum 2019 (Selesai), The sauna departments of the housing company have been renovated in connection with the pipeline renovation. 2013 Renovation of the washing machine in the laundry room and renewal of the corridor mats in the stairwells. 2002 Renewal of asphalting of the yard area and construction of a waste canopy. 2000-2002 Renewal of garage door thresholds. 1997-1998 Painting of stairwells Saluran pipa 2019 (Selesai), pipeline renovation, incl electricity. 2013 Renewal of plot lines (rainwater and sewerage lines) Balkon 2015 (Selesai), -2016 Balcony renovation and glazing Lainnya 2013 (Selesai) Lainnya 2013 (Selesai), Replacement of electrical and optical fibre backup pipes Fasad 2007 (Selesai), Redevelopment of the façade masonry on the south side of 2 and 4 houses. 1998-1999 Remodeling of garage doors in houses 1 and 3 jendela 2005 (Selesai), 2005-2006 Window renovation Telekomunikasi 2004 (Selesai), Digital readiness. 1999 Overhaul of the antenna network |
Area umum | Penyimpanan peralatan, Sauna , Tempat berlindung dari serangan udara, Ruang pengeringan, Penyimpanan sepeda, Ruang klub, Ruang cuci |
Manajer | Kiinteistötahkola p. 020 7480280 |
Info kontak manajer | Pasi Vähä-Touru, p. 050 476 9434 |
Pemeliharaan | Huoltoliike |
banyak daerah | 24211 m² |
Jumlah tempat parkir | 110 |
Jumlah bangunan | 4 |
Medan | Datar |
Jalan | Ya |
Kepemilikan tanah | Persewaan |
Pemilik tanah | Helsingin kaupunki |
Sewa per tahun | 55.600 € (948.506.559,86 Rp) |
Kontrak sewa berakhir | 31 Des 2030 |
Situasi perencanaan | Rencana terperinci |
Rekayasa kota | Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik, Pemanasan distrik |
Kelas sertifikat energi
Detail koperasi perumahan
Nama koperasi perumahan | Asunto-oy Rudolfintie 21 |
Tahun pendirian | 1969 |
Jumlah saham | 100.000 |
Jumlah tempat tinggal | 116 |
Area tempat tinggal | 8547.7 m² |
Pendapatan sewa pada tahun | 50.127,11 |
Hak penebusan | TIDAK |
Pusat perbelanjaan | 1.8 km |
Toko kelontong | 0.7 km |
Sekolah | 0.4 km |
TK | 0.4 km |
Marina | 0.7 km |
Taman | 0.2 km |
Pantai | 1 km |
Tempat bermain | 0.1 km |
Akses transportasi umum
Bis | 0.1 km |
Metro | 3.8 km |
Trem | 1 km |
Pemeliharaan | 422,72 € / bulan (7.211.379,37 Rp) |
Biaya untuk biaya keuangan | 564,92 € / bulan (9.637.236,08 Rp) |
Air | 15 € / bulan (255.892,06 Rp) / orang |
Biaya pembelian
Pajak transfer |
1,5 %
Paid at the time of purchase. |
Biaya pendaftaran |
€89 (Rp 1.518.293) (Memperkirakan) According to the National Land Survey fee or the bank's charge |
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