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Blok apartemen, Luutnantintie 3

00410 Helsinki, Malminkartano

Bright two-room apartment in Malminkartano

Now for sale compact home in Malminkartano. This twin apartment offers an open floor plan and comfortable living just 20 minutes from the center of Helsinki. The apartment has a glazed balcony, which brings additional space and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors all year round. In a large country room, space for example a workstation. Malminkartano is a cozy and developing residential area, where you can find all everyday services such as shops, kindergartens and schools. The area has excellent outdoor activities, such as jogging paths and fitness stairs at the top of Malminkartano hill, as well as green park areas. Public transport works well, providing smooth connections throughout the Helsinki metropolitan area, and the centre of Helsinki can be reached in 20 minutes via the Ring Rail Link. This apartment is also suitable for a first home buyer. Welcome to explore! For more information and requests for introductions, please contact your broker.

Riikka Juslenius

English Finnish
Agen real estat
Habita Helsinki
Kualifikasi real estat Finlandia
Harga jual yang tidak terbebani
€111.000 (Rp 1.915.784.121)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
43 m²

Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 664031
Harga jual yang tidak terbebani €111.000 (Rp 1.915.784.121)
Harga penjualan €108.011 (Rp 1.864.197.405)
Bagian dari kewajiban €2.989 (Rp 51.586.716)
Bagian kewajiban dapat dilunasi Ya
Kamar 2
Kamar tidur 1
Kamar mandi 1
Kamar mandi dengan toilet 1
Ruang tamu 43 m²
Deskripsi ruang hidup Living room, open kitchen, bedroom, bathroom.
Deskripsi ruang lain Glazed balcony
Pengukuran diverifikasi TIDAK
Pengukuran berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar
Lantai 2
Lantai perumahan 1
Kondisi Memuaskan
Lowongan dari 2 months from the date of the transaction or according to the contract
Parkir Tempat parkir dengan stopkontak
Spasi Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu (Tenggara)
Dapur terbuka (Tenggara)
Kamar tidur (Tenggara)
Balkon berlapis kaca (Tenggara)
Tampilan Lingkungan, Kota
Penyimpanan Lemari/lemari, Basis penyimpanan bawah tanah
Telekomunikasi TV Kabel, Internet kabel
Permukaan lantai Memecahkan dlm lapisan tipis
Permukaan dinding Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin
Peralatan dapur Kompor keramik, Kulkas freezer, Lemari, Kap dapur
Peralatan kamar mandi Mandi, Sambungan mesin cuci, Ruang untuk mesin cuci, Kabinet, Tenggelam, Tempat duduk toilet, Cermin
Inspeksi Penilaian kondisi (9 Nov 2021)

Penilaian kondisi (9 Agu 2019)

Penilaian kondisi (6 Okt 2018)
Survei asbes Bangunan ini dibangun sebelum tahun 1994 dan belum dilakukan survei asbes.
Bagikan 3507 - 3771
Keterangan 2 rooms, kitchenette, bathroom and glazed balcony

Detail bangunan dan properti

Tahun konstruksi 1991
Inaugurasi 1991
Lantai 3
Mengangkat TIDAK
Jenis atap Atap pelana
Ventilasi Ventilasi ekstrak mekanis
Kelas sertifikat energi D , 2018
Pemanas Pemanasan distrik, Pemanasan air sentral, Radiator
Bahan bangunan Konkret
Bahan atap Lembaran logam
Renovasi Area umum 2024 (Selesai), CD-building Renovation of the craft room, 2023 Renovation of the CD-building's bicycle storage, 2016 Renovation of the club room, 2016 New drying cabinet
Rencana renovasi 2024 (Selesai), Board's maintenance needs assessment 2024–2028. Request a list or brochure from the agent.
jendela 2024 (Selesai), Window maintenance renovation.
Halaman 2023 (Selesai), Acquisition of a new playground swing, 2022 Renovation of yard lighting, 2020 Renovation of the playground and yard end.
Ventilasi 2023 (Selesai), Cleaning of ventilation ducts and adjustment of ventilation, 2017 New exhaust fan for C-staircase, 2015 Exhaust fan replaced in D-staircase.
selokan 2022 (Selesai), Replacement of 70 mm cast iron pipes in the ground floor, 2020 Flushing and inspection of wastewater drains.
Kunci 2022 (Selesai), Upgrade of locking system to iLoq locking system.
Atap 2021 (Selesai), Insulation repair of the roof space in the AB-building, Partial additional insulation of the B-staircase roof space.
Fasad 2019 (Selesai), Painting of the façade and balconies, and other renovations (balcony floor coatings, maintenance painting of wooden parts, repair of small concrete damages, and restoration of other painted concrete parts of the façade, including washing, concrete repair, painting, etc.). Additionally, replacement of exterior doors (entrance doors to stairwells, etc.) and restoration of door canopies. 2013: Replacement of element joints.
Tangga 2016 (Selesai), Renovation of the D-staircase stairs.
Lainnya 2015 (Selesai), Replacement of gutters and downspouts (replacement of fascia boards, drip edges, gutters, and downpipes. The fascia boards are rotten, causing some of the gutters to detach).
Pemanas 2013 (Selesai), Replacement of the heat distribution center, radiator valves, thermostats, line shut-off valves, and control valves, as well as system adjustment.
Saluran pembuangan bawah 2010 (Selesai), Renovation of the drainage system.
Lainnya 2010 (Selesai), -2012 Renovation of bathrooms.
Area umum Penyimpanan peralatan, Sauna , Tempat berlindung dari serangan udara, Ruang klub, Rumah klub, Ruang cuci
Manajer Averia Isännöinti Oy/ Pertti Esaiasson
Info kontak manajer 044 7300 400,
Pemeliharaan Huoltoyhtiö
banyak daerah 4164 m²
Jumlah tempat parkir 32
Jumlah bangunan 2
Medan Kemiringan yang landai
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Persewaan
Pemilik tanah Helsingin kaupunki
Sewa per tahun 31.497,75 € (543.629.633,23 Rp)
Kontrak sewa berakhir 31 Des 2050
Situasi perencanaan Rencana terperinci
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik, Pemanasan distrik

Kelas sertifikat energi


Detail koperasi perumahan

Nama koperasi perumahan Asunto-oy Luutnantintie 3
Jumlah saham 15.345
Jumlah tempat tinggal 36
Area tempat tinggal 2326.5 m²
Jumlah ruang komersial 4
Area ruang komersial 351.5 m²
Pendapatan sewa pada tahun 6.745
Hak penebusan TIDAK


Toko kelontong 0.3 km  
Pusat perbelanjaan 2.2 km  
Pusat kesehatan 0.2 km  

Akses transportasi umum

Kereta 0.3 km  
Bis 0.1 km  


Pemeliharaan 265 € / bulan (4.573.718,85 Rp)
Biaya untuk biaya keuangan 60,95 € / bulan (1.051.955,33 Rp)
Air 17,5 € / bulan (302.038,04 Rp) / orang

Biaya pembelian

Pajak transfer 1,5 %
Biaya pendaftaran €89 (Rp 1.536.079) (Memperkirakan)

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