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Rumah keluarga tunggal, Ilvestie 3

90530 Oulu, Välivainio

Please contact the sales representative for further details on this property.

Anne Ylivirta

English Finnish
Real estate agent
Habita Oulu
Finnish real estate qualification
Harga penjualan
€99.000 (Rp 1.671.931.654)
Living area
128 m²

Basic details

Listing number 662768
Harga penjualan €99.000 (Rp 1.671.931.654)
Rooms 4
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 1
Toilets 1
Living area 128 m²
Measurements verified No
Measurements based on Building plan
Floor 1
Residential floors 3
Condition Memuaskan
Parking Courtyard parking, Garage
Features Boiler
Spaces Bedroom
Living room
Views Private courtyard, Neighbourhood
Storages Cabinet, Basement storage base, Attic storage
Telecommunications Cable TV
Permukaan lantai Parket, Linolium, Gabus
Wall surfaces Wall paper, Plank, Paint
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin, Linolium
Kitchen equipments Ceramic stove, Refrigerator, Cabinetry, Kitchen hood, Dishwasher, Washing machine connection
Bathroom equipments Shower, Washing machine connection, Radiant underfloor heating, Space for washing machine, Sink, Mirror, Shower stall
Inspections Condition assessment (11 Nov 2024)
Asbestos survey The building was built before 1994 and an asbestos survey has not been performed.

Building and property details

Tahun konstruksi 1952
Inaugurasi 1952
Lantai 3
Mengangkat No
Jenis atap Gable roof
Ventilasi Natural ventilation
Kelas sertifikat energi Tidak ada sertifikat energi yang diwajibkan oleh hukum
Heating Electric heating, Central water heating, Radiator
Bahan bangunan Kayu
Roof materials Sheet metal
Bahan fasad Pelapis kayu
Renovations Other 2024 (Done)
Facade 2021 (Done)
Heating 2009 (Done)
Windows 1997 (Done)
Roof 1983 (Done)
Property reference number 564-60-20-21-L1
Property tax per year 148,25 €
2.503.675,43 Rp
Lot area 902 m²
Number of buildings 2
Terrain Flat
Road Yes
Land ownership Rental
Land owner Oulun kaupunki
Rent per year 983,51 € (16.609.712,13 Rp)
Rental contract ends 31 Des 2031
Planning situation Detailed plan
Building rights 152 m²
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity


Listrik 265 € / month (4.475.372,61 Rp) (memperkirakan)

Biaya pembelian

Registration fees €172 (Rp 2.904.770)
Transfer tax 3 %

This is how the buying of your property starts

  1. Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
  2. Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.

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