Blok apartemen, Vlore
9402 Vlorë, Kali i Trojes
Two apartments built one above the other 1+1 each, in total 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms. Very bright during the day. Furnished with new furniture, very well maintained. In each of the houses there are all the comforts to enjoy the house peacefully. In the courtyard there is a very spacious veranda and places to park cars. Quite central place in Vlora. Close to supermarkets, pharmacies, bars, schools and the city hospital.
Harga penjualan
€118.000 (Rp 2.097.478.227)Kamar
4Kamar tidur
2Kamar mandi
2Ruang tamu
110 m²Detail dasar
Nomor daftar | 662190 |
Harga penjualan | €118.000 (Rp 2.097.478.227) |
Kamar | 4 |
Kamar tidur | 2 |
Kamar mandi | 2 |
Toilet | 1 |
Ruang tamu | 110 m² |
luas keseluruhan | 300 m² |
Luas ruang lainnya | 200 m² |
Deskripsi ruang hidup | They are two apartments one above the other. They are both very bright and spacious. Furnished with new furniture in very good condition. Apartments 1+1 each, 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms in total. Very spacious balcony and there is also a garage space. |
Deskripsi wilayah | Located in the central area of the city. Near the hospital of Vlora. It has all the necessary services for all daily needs very close, supermarkets, pharmacy, schools, bars, restaurants. The surrounding environment is clean. |
Pengukuran diverifikasi | Ya |
Pengukuran berdasarkan | Sertifikat kadaster |
Lantai | 2 |
Lantai perumahan | 2 |
Kondisi | Baru |
Parkir | Tempat parkir, Parkir halaman |
Terletak di permukaan tanah | Ya |
Fitur | AC, Jendela berlapis ganda |
Tampilan | Halaman, Halaman dalam |
Penyimpanan | Penyimpanan luar ruangan |
Telekomunikasi | televisi digital, televisi satelit, Internet |
Permukaan lantai | Ubin |
Permukaan dinding | Konkret, Cat |
Permukaan kamar mandi | Ubin |
Peralatan dapur | Kompor listrik, Kompor gas, Oven , Kompor listrik, Lemari es, Lemari |
Peralatan kamar mandi | Mandi, Mesin cuci, Ruang untuk mesin cuci, Kabinet, Tenggelam, Tempat duduk toilet, Ketel air, Cermin |
Detail bangunan dan properti
Tahun konstruksi | 2010 |
Inaugurasi | 2013 |
Lantai | 6 |
Mengangkat | Ya |
Kelas sertifikat energi | A |
Medan | Datar |
Jalan | Ya |
Kepemilikan tanah | Memiliki |
Situasi perencanaan | Rencana terperinci |
Rekayasa kota | Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik |
Listrik |
30 € / bulan (533.257,18 Rp)
Electricity bills |
Air |
10 € / bulan (177.752,39 Rp)
Water bills |
Biaya pembelian
Biaya lainnya |
1 %
Habita comission |
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