Rumah semi terpisah, Pihkarinteentie 4
98720 Suomutunturi
Stunning property for sale in Suomu Fell! A semi-detached house built in 2007 with a garage and a cozy lean-to in the yard. Quiet location, just over a kilometer from the ski resort. Two bedrooms and two lofts provide plenty of space. Ideal for family vacations or rental income. For more information: Henri Tuomi +358 50 420 0787
Harga penjualan
€159.000 (Rp 2.817.603.254)Kamar
4Kamar tidur
2Kamar mandi
1Ruang tamu
81.8 m²Detail dasar
Nomor daftar | 662153 |
Harga penjualan | €159.000 (Rp 2.817.603.254) |
Kamar | 4 |
Kamar tidur | 2 |
Kamar mandi | 1 |
Toilet | 2 |
Kamar mandi tanpa toilet | 2 |
Ruang tamu | 81.8 m² |
Deskripsi ruang hidup | Bedroom x2, kitchen x2, living room x2, vestibule x2, bathroom x2, sauna x2, toilet x2 |
Deskripsi ruang lain | Loft x2 |
Deskripsi wilayah | The floor area is based on building plans dated 21.06.2007. The loft is a low space under 1600 cm in height. |
Pengukuran diverifikasi | TIDAK |
Pengukuran berdasarkan | Rencana pembangunan |
Lantai | 1 |
Lantai perumahan | 2 |
Kondisi | Bagus |
Lowongan dari |
Sesuai kontrak
Availability in 0–2 months |
Tempat tinggal santai | Ya |
Fitur | Berperabot, Jendela berlapis tiga, Perapian, Ketel |
Spasi |
Kamar tidur Kamar tidur Dapur Dapur Ruang tamu Ruang tamu Aula Aula Toilet Toilet Kamar mandi Kamar mandi Sauna Sauna Loteng Loteng |
Tampilan | Hutan, Alam |
Penyimpanan | Kabinet, Penyimpanan luar ruangan |
Telekomunikasi | Antena |
Permukaan lantai | Linolium |
Permukaan dinding | Kayu |
Permukaan kamar mandi | Ubin, Panel kayu |
Peralatan dapur | Kompor listrik, Lemari es, Lemari, Kap dapur, Mesin pencuci piring, gelombang mikro |
Peralatan kamar mandi | Mandi, Mesin cuci, Sambungan mesin cuci, Ruang untuk mesin cuci, Kamar mandi |
Informasi tambahan | The apartment is sold furnished. The property also includes a garage/storage building, built in 2007 with a floor area of 30 m², and a lean-to shelter. |
Detail bangunan dan properti
Tahun konstruksi | 2007 |
Inaugurasi | 2007 |
Lantai | 2 |
Mengangkat | TIDAK |
Jenis atap | Atap pelana |
Ventilasi | Ventilasi ekstrak mekanis |
Kelas sertifikat energi | Sertifikat energi tidak diwajibkan oleh hukum |
Pemanas | Pemanasan listrik, Pemanasan tungku atau perapian, Radiator , Pemanasan di bawah lantai |
Bahan bangunan | Kayu |
Bahan atap | Dirasakan |
Nomor referensi properti | 320-8-8105-1 |
Pajak properti per tahun |
912,21 €
16.165.068,33 Rp |
banyak daerah | 1429 m² |
Jumlah tempat parkir | 2 |
Jumlah bangunan | 2 |
Medan | Datar |
Jalan | Ya |
Kepemilikan tanah | Memiliki |
Situasi perencanaan |
Rencana terperinci
For more information, contact the city of Kemijärvi at +358 400 203 257. |
Hak Guna Bangunan | 100 m² |
Rekayasa kota | Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik |
Listrik |
181,09 € / bulan (3.209.055,18 Rp)
The property’s electricity consumption in 2023 was 14,487 kWh/year. The estimated cost is calculated based on an electricity price of €0.10/kWh plus a transfer fee of €0.05/kWh. The exact euro amount is not available. |
Biaya pembelian
Pajak transfer |
3 %
The buyer is responsible for the transfer tax after the transaction. |
Notaris |
€138 (Rp 2.445.467) (Memperkirakan) The notary fee is shared equally between the buyer and the seller (64 euros). |
Biaya pendaftaran |
€172 (Rp 3.047.973) The buyer is responsible for the costs of the title transfer. |
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