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Vila, Hinsuay Namsai

21190 Rayong, Kram

Exquisite and Distinctive Beachfront Villa

Discover this exceptional beachfront property situated in one of the East Coast’s most enchanting locations, nestled between the luxurious Marriott Beach Resort & Spa and the prestigious Amatara Residences, a few steps away from the private beach.

Harga penjualan
฿22.500.000 (Rp 10.864.722.960)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
500 m²

Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 660401
Harga penjualan ฿22.500.000 (Rp 10.864.722.960)
Kamar 7
Kamar tidur 4
Kamar mandi 4
Toilet 2
Ruang tamu 500 m²
Luas ruang lainnya 154 m²
Deskripsi ruang hidup This contemporary, luminous, and spacious property offers sea views from every room. The open-plan interior seamlessly connects the living, dining, and entertainment areas to the outdoor living and dining terrace, creating a harmonious flow. The residence boasts four generously sized bedrooms, each featuring an en-suite bathroom. One of the rooms has been converted into a home office and library. The master bedroom offers a walk-in closet and 2 separate en-suite bathrooms. For added convenience, the guest wing is fully self-sufficient, complete with its own entrance and kitchenette.
Deskripsi ruang lain Outdoors, you’ll find multiple picturesque spots with breathtaking vistas, and the infinity pool is a true oasis of relaxation. Furthermore, a separate utility and maid’s building includes a kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, bedroom, and a covered drying area. With 1 undercover parking bay, and 2 off-street parking bays that lead to the main entry, this beachfront gem offers unparalleled luxury living by the sea.
Deskripsi wilayah Discover this exceptional beachfront property situated in one of the East Coast’s most enchanting locations, nestled between the luxurious Marriott Beach Resort & Spa and the prestigious Amatara Residences. Live in the lap of luxury, a few steps away from the private beach, with views of lush greenery and the endless expanse of the sea, all refreshed by the constant sea breeze—a dream come true.
Pengukuran diverifikasi TIDAK
Pengukuran berdasarkan Informasi yang diberikan oleh pemilik
Lantai 1
Lantai perumahan 1
Kondisi Bagus
Lowongan dari Sesuai kontrak
Parkir Tempat parkir, Parkir halaman, Carport
Terletak di permukaan tanah Ya
Tempat tinggal santai Ya
Fitur Berperabot, AC
Spasi Teras (Timur)
Kolam renang (Timur)
Tampilan Halaman depan, Halaman dalam, Halaman pribadi, Kebun, Lingkungan, Pegunungan, Laut, Alam, Kolam renang
Penyimpanan Kabinet, Pakaian, Lemari pakaian, Lemari/lemari, Penyimpanan luar ruangan
Telekomunikasi televisi, Internet , Internet serat optik
Permukaan lantai Marmer, Kayu
Permukaan dinding Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin keramik, Konkret
Peralatan dapur Kompor listrik, Kompor gas, Oven , Kompor keramik, Lemari es, Kulkas freezer, Lemari, Kap dapur, Mesin pencuci piring, Oven terpisah, gelombang mikro, Mesin cuci
Peralatan kamar mandi Mandi, Mandi bidet, Kabinet, Tenggelam, Dinding kamar mandi, Tempat duduk toilet, Cermin, Kabinet cermin
Peralatan ruang utilitas Sambungan mesin cuci, Mesin cuci, Tenggelam

Detail bangunan dan properti

Tahun konstruksi 2015
Inaugurasi 2015
Lantai 1
Mengangkat TIDAK
Jenis atap Atap pelana
Ventilasi Ventilasi alami
Dasar Konkret
Kelas sertifikat energi Sertifikat energi tidak diwajibkan oleh hukum
Bahan bangunan Bata, Konkret
Bahan atap Ubin beton
Bahan fasad Elemen beton, Batu
Area umum Kolam renang
Nomor referensi properti 2187
Pemeliharaan 5500
banyak daerah 1130 m²
Jumlah tempat parkir 4
Jumlah bangunan 1
Medan Lereng
Daerah perairan Hak pakai pantai/pantai
Garis pantai 20 M
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Memiliki
Situasi perencanaan Rencana umum
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik

Akses transportasi umum

Bandara 80 km , Rayong U Tapao Airport
Bandara 170 km , Bangkok Suvarnabhumi


Pemeliharaan 5.500 ฿ / bulan (2.655.821,17 Rp)

Biaya pembelian

Biaya pendaftaran ฿5.000 (Rp 2.414.383) (Memperkirakan)

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