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Tulliportinkatu 25

70100 Kuopio, Keskusta

Commercial space in the center of Kuopio 115.5m²

In a good business location, a street-level business unit that can be converted into many purposes. Through the house, the unit is also accessible from the back. Use this to renovate new premises for your company or why not also for rental use for an investor.

Sami Malm

English Finnish
Sales manager
Habita Kuopio
Finnish real estate qualification, Notary

Basic details

Listing number 659861
Harga jual yang tidak terbebani €59.000 (Rp 996.547.693)
Harga penjualan 48.676 € (Rp 822.161.474)
Bagian dari kewajiban €10.324 (Rp 174.386.219)
Bagian kewajiban dapat dilunasi Yes
Jenis Ruang komersial, Pameran, Ruang perawatan
Lantai 1
Lantai komersial 2
luas keseluruhan 115.5 m²
Pengukuran diverifikasi No
Pengukuran berdasarkan Articles of association
Kondisi Perlu renovasi
Fitur Keran air di kamar, Kantor terbuka
Pembatasan Larangan pengelasan, Tidak cocok untuk penggunaan restoran
Asbestos survey The building was built before 1994 and an asbestos survey has not been performed.

Housing cooperative details

Housing cooperative name Asunto Oy Tulliherra
Year of foundation 1981
Number of shares 183.821
Number of dwellings 48
Number of commercial spaces 8
Area of commercial spaces 1361.7 m²
Right of redemption No

Building and property details

Tahun konstruksi 1982
Inaugurasi 1982
Lantai 7
Mengangkat Yes
Jenis atap Flat roof
Ventilasi Mechanical ventilation
Kelas sertifikat energi Tidak ada sertifikat energi yang diwajibkan oleh hukum
Heating District heating, Radiator
Bahan bangunan Konkret
Roof materials Felt
Bahan fasad Elemen beton
Renovations Facade 2024 (In progress)
Renovation plan 2024 (Done)
Windows 2023 (Done)
Other 2022 (Done)
Stairway 2020 (Done)
Plinth 2019 (Done)
Ventilation 2018 (Done)
Balconies 2017 (Done)
Yard 2017 (Done)
Parking 2014 (Done)
Yard 2012 (Done)
Facade 2008 (Done)
Roof 2007 (Done)
Common areas 2004 (Done)
Other 2003 (Done)
Facade 2003 (Done)
Heating 2000 (Done)
Ventilation 1999 (Done)
Common areas 1991 (Done)
Property reference number 297-4-7-6
Manager Isännöintipalvelu Isarvo Oy
Manager's contact info Mika Ärväs p. 0400 438 161
Maintenance Huoltoyhtiö
Lot area 2332 m²
Number of buildings 1
Terrain Gentle slope
Road Yes
Land ownership Own
Planning situation Detailed plan
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity, District heating


Pemeliharaan 479,33 € / month (8.096.189,92 Rp)
Biaya untuk biaya keuangan 187,89 € / month (3.173.582,14 Rp)
Air 20 € / month (337.812,78 Rp) (memperkirakan)
Listrik 50 € / month (844.531,94 Rp) (memperkirakan)

Biaya pembelian

Transfer tax 1,5 %
Registration fees €89 (Rp 1.503.267)

This is how the buying of your property starts

  1. Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
  2. Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.

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