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Kavling rumah keluarga tunggal, Zīlītes

5022 Jumprava

Two large plots together

Selling two large plots of land together. It is located near the center of Jumprava, where there is a kindergarten, primary school, shops, a renovated cultural center and a stage. Property free of encumbrances and debts. A beautiful, scenic place to realize your dreams. This is a great place not only to live, but also to farm. 1 km to the primary school. 1.6 km to the railway station. 17 km to Lielvārde. 1 hour drive to Riga.

Banyak detail

Nomor daftar 657016
Harga penjualan €12.000 (Rp 204.190.247)
Nomor referensi properti 74480020686
banyak daerah 24000 m²
Medan Datar
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Memiliki
Situasi perencanaan rencana wilayah


Tidak ada biaya.

Biaya pembelian

Pajak 1,5 %
Notaris €200 (Rp 3.403.171) (Memperkirakan)
Biaya pendaftaran €23 (Rp 391.365) (Memperkirakan)

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