Pondok, Suopunkitie 13
98720 Suomutunturi
A fantastic log cabin complex in Suomu, Finland. This cabin can accommodate a larger group, with four bedrooms and a spacious living room ensuring comfort, even for small-scale conference use. The cabin has been rented frequently to both businesses and individuals. The roof was also renovated in 2002. The location is tranquil, at the end of a cul-de-sac. Here, you can enjoy the peace of nature and have easy access to outdoor activities just a few hundred meters away. For more information, Henri Tuomi Phone: 0504200787 Email: henri.tuomi@habita.com
Harga penjualan
€275.000 (Rp 4.875.249.652)Kamar
5Kamar tidur
4Kamar mandi
2Ruang tamu
139 m²Detail dasar
Nomor daftar | 655122 |
Harga penjualan | €275.000 (Rp 4.875.249.652) |
Kamar | 5 |
Kamar tidur | 4 |
Kamar mandi | 2 |
Toilet | 1 |
Kamar mandi dengan toilet | 2 |
Ruang tamu | 139 m² |
luas keseluruhan | 174 m² |
Luas ruang lainnya | 1.5 m² |
Pengukuran diverifikasi | TIDAK |
Pengukuran berdasarkan | Rencana pembangunan |
Lantai | 1 |
Lantai perumahan | 1 |
Kondisi | Bagus |
Lowongan dari | Instantly free, there is short term rental agreements that will be transfered to the buyer with full rights to the income from the rentals. |
Fitur | Berperabot, Jendela berlapis tiga, Perapian, Ketel |
Spasi |
Kamar tidur Kamar tidur Kamar tidur Kamar tidur Dapur Ruang tamu Sarang Aula Toilet Kamar mandi Kamar mandi Teras Sauna |
Penyimpanan | Kabinet |
Telekomunikasi | Antena |
Permukaan lantai | Kayu |
Permukaan dinding | Catatan |
Permukaan kamar mandi | Ubin |
Peralatan dapur | Kompor keramik, Kulkas freezer, Lemari, Kap dapur, Mesin pencuci piring, gelombang mikro |
Peralatan kamar mandi | Mandi, Pemanasan di bawah lantai, Tenggelam, Tempat duduk toilet |
Peralatan ruang utilitas | Sambungan mesin cuci, Mesin cuci |
Survei asbes | Bangunan ini dibangun sebelum tahun 1994 dan belum dilakukan survei asbes. |
Detail bangunan dan properti
Tahun konstruksi | 1991 |
Inaugurasi | 1992 |
Lantai | 1 |
Mengangkat | TIDAK |
Jenis atap | Atap pelana |
Ventilasi | Ventilasi mekanis |
Kelas sertifikat energi | Sertifikat energi tidak diwajibkan oleh hukum |
Pemanas | Pemanasan listrik, Radiator , Pemanasan di bawah lantai |
Bahan bangunan | Catatan |
Bahan atap | Dirasakan |
Bahan fasad | Kayu |
Renovasi |
Atap 2002 (Selesai), After a leak in the roof the roof was redone. Lainnya 2001 (Selesai), Bathroom renovated approximately 2001 |
Nomor referensi properti | 320-8-8052-2 |
Pajak properti per tahun |
1.046,57 €
18.553.781,92 Rp |
beban | Mortgage deeds. Will be handed to the buyer debt free. |
Pemeliharaan | Suomutunturin Lomatuvat |
banyak daerah | 2390 m² |
Jumlah tempat parkir | 6 |
Jumlah bangunan | 1 |
Medan | Datar |
Jalan | Ya |
Kepemilikan tanah | Memiliki |
Situasi perencanaan | Rencana terperinci |
Hak Guna Bangunan | 180 m² |
Rekayasa kota | Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik |
Toko kelontong |
17 km , Supermaket kelloniemi (possible to order delivery to the cabin) |
Restoran |
0.5 km , Hotel Suomu restaurants |
Bermain ski |
0.5 km , Suomu Ski-center |
Pantai |
7.1 km , Haaparanta beach, connects with a ferry |
Akses transportasi umum
Kereta |
45 km , Kemijärvi railwaystation (bus connection to Suomu) |
Bandara |
124 km , Rovaniemi airport |
Bandara |
103 km , Kuusamo Airport |
Listrik |
350 € / bulan (6.204.863,19 Rp)
The electricity consumption for the year 2022 was approximately 30,000 kWh, with a monetary estimate calculated at an electricity rate of 0.9 cents and a transmission rate of 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour |
Air |
0 € / bulan (0 Rp)
Water payment based on consumption. 2023 price list: a basic fee of 133.92 euros + 5.66 euros per cubic meter. |
Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan |
1.046,57 € / tahun (18.553.781,92 Rp)
Confirmed property tax for the year 2022 |
Biaya pembelian
Biaya lainnya | €207 (Rp 3.669.733) |
Notaris |
€240 (Rp 4.254.763) The buyer and the seller split the cost of the notary's fee in half. |
Biaya pendaftaran |
€302 (Rp 5.353.911) The buyer is responsible for the registration costs. |
Pajak transfer | 3 % |
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