Sisustajantie 6
70340 Kuopio, Peipposenrinne
A business/office/production building in Kuopio in a good business location near the city center. The premises used to house a Motonet store. It is possible to divide the premises into smaller units for more users. The building also has a loading dock that can be accessed by truck with trailers. The building was renovated in 2008. Plenty of parking space for customers or staff in the yard. The location has good access to the highway, public transport also runs close to the property.
Basic details
Listing number | 654687 |
Harga penjualan | €2.800.000 (Rp 47.293.788.802) |
Jenis | Ruang komersial, Pameran, Gudang, Fasilitas produksi, Ruang kerja, Logistik |
Lantai | 1 |
Lantai komersial | 2 |
luas keseluruhan | 4721 m² |
Pengukuran diverifikasi | No |
Pengukuran berdasarkan | Information given by owner |
Kondisi | Bagus |
Fitur | Arus listrik, Batasi zona pemuatan |
Asbestos survey | The building was built before 1994 and an asbestos survey has not been performed. |
Keterangan | Commercial building in a good location 4721m² |
Building and property details
Tahun konstruksi | 1978 |
Inaugurasi | 1978 |
Lantai | 2 |
Mengangkat | No |
Jenis atap | Flat roof |
Ventilasi | Mechanical ventilation |
Kelas sertifikat energi | Sertifikat energi tidak diwajibkan oleh hukum |
Heating | District heating |
Bahan bangunan | Konkret |
Bahan fasad | Konkret |
Renovations |
Outside doors 2022 (Done) Other 2018 (Done) Other 2016 (Done) Ventilation 2014 (Done) Ventilation 2013 (Done) Facade 2012 (Done) Other 2008 (Done) Sewers 2000 (Done) Expansion 1996 (Done) |
Property reference number | 297-14-44-1-L1 |
Lot area | 7776 m² |
Number of buildings | 1 |
Terrain | Flat |
Road | Yes |
Land ownership | Rental |
Land owner | Kuopion kaupunki |
Rent per year | 35.389 € (597.742.818,55 Rp) |
Rental contract ends | 31 Des 2034 |
Planning situation | Detailed plan |
Building rights | 5000 m² |
Municipality engineering | Water, Sewer, Electricity, District heating |
Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan | 9.170,74 € / year (154.899.657,4 Rp) |
Air | 2.200 € / year (37.159.405,49 Rp) (memperkirakan) |
Listrik | 62.500 € / year (1.055.664.928,63 Rp) (memperkirakan) |
Lainnya | 12.050 € / year (203.532.198,24 Rp) |
Pemanas | 17.950 € / year (303.186.967,5 Rp) (memperkirakan) |
Biaya pembelian
Transfer tax | 3 % |
Registration fees | €172 (Rp 2.905.190) |
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