Garasi parkir, Alapeusonkatu 13
33540 Tampere, Kaleva
Please contact the sales representative for further details on this property.
Basic details
Listing number | 653793 |
Harga jual yang tidak terbebani | €17.500 (Rp 297.014.917) |
Harga penjualan | 10.599 € (Rp 179.886.321) |
Bagian dari kewajiban | €6.901 (Rp 117.128.596) |
Bagian kewajiban dapat dilunasi | Yes |
Lowongan dari | Sesuai kontrak |
Area | 12.5 m² |
Features | Electricity |
Building and property details
Tahun konstruksi | 2018 |
Inaugurasi | 2018 |
Lantai | 5 |
Mengangkat | Yes |
Jenis atap | Gable roof |
Ventilasi | Mechanical ventilation |
Kelas sertifikat energi | C , 2018 |
Heating | District heating, Central water heating, Radiator, Underfloor heating |
Bahan bangunan | Konkret |
Roof materials | Felt |
Bahan fasad | Konkret |
Renovations |
Renovation plan 2024 (Done) Other 2021 (Done) Other 2020 (Done) Other 2019 (Done) |
Area umum | Penyimpanan peralatan, Penyimpanan, Sauna , Ruang teknis, Ruang pengeringan |
Property reference number | 837-119-0885-0012 |
Manager | Retta Tampere |
Manager's contact info | Aki Kanerva / |
Maintenance | Lännen Kiinteistöpalvelu Oy |
Lot area | 1910 m² |
Number of parking spaces | 15 |
Number of buildings | 2 |
Terrain | Flat |
Road | Yes |
Land ownership | Rental |
Land owner | Ålandsbanken / Tonttirahasto |
Rent per year | 9.404,16 € (159.610.046,07 Rp) |
Rental contract ends | 8 Mar 2047 |
Planning situation | Detailed plan |
Municipality engineering | Water, Sewer, Electricity, District heating |
Kelas sertifikat energi
Housing cooperative details
Housing cooperative name | Asunto Oy Tampereen Kalevanrinteen Muurarinkisälli |
Year of foundation | 2018 |
Number of shares | 2.500 |
Number of dwellings | 32 |
Area of dwellings | 1573.5 m² |
Right of redemption | No |
Toko kelontong | 0.2 km |
Pusat perbelanjaan | 0.4 km |
Sekolah | 0.7 km |
TK | 0.6 km |
Universitas | 2.1 km |
RSUD | 1.6 km |
Restoran | 0.1 km |
Public transportation access
Tram | 0.1 km |
Bus | 0.2 km |
Train | 2.6 km |
Pemeliharaan | 45,94 € / month (779.706,59 Rp) |
Biaya untuk biaya keuangan | 62,97 € / month (1.068.744,53 Rp) |
Biaya pembelian
Transfer tax |
1,5 %
Paid by the buyer at the time of the property transaction |
Other costs | €89 (Rp 1.510.533) |
This is how the buying of your property starts
- Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
- Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.
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