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Rr.Sadik Zotaj

9401 Vlorë Qender

Please contact the sales representative for further details on this property.

Basic details

Listing number 648847
Harga penjualan €42.000 (Rp 709.406.832)
Jenis Kantor, Ruang komersial, Pameran, Gudang, Ruang kerja, Ruang perawatan, Akomodasi
Lantai 2
Lantai komersial 8
luas keseluruhan 40 m²
Deskripsi wilayah The business space is located on the second floor of the building. It is used as an office, I can perform the same function after the purchase. It is equipped with a toilet.
Pengukuran diverifikasi Yes
Pengukuran berdasarkan Cadastral certificate
Kondisi Baru
Konstruksi baru Yes
Fitur Arus listrik, Pintu tuas persneling, Pintu tinggi
Pembatasan Tidak cocok untuk penggunaan restoran, Tidak cocok untuk mencuci mobil, Tidak cocok untuk garasi

Building and property details

Konstruksi dimulai 2008
Tahun konstruksi 2010
Inaugurasi 2010
Lantai 8
Mengangkat No
Kelas sertifikat energi A
Heating Electric heating
Bahan bangunan Bata, Konkret
Roof materials Bitumen-felt
Bahan fasad Plester
Lot area 40 m²
Terrain Flat
Road Yes
Land ownership Rental
Planning situation General plan
Building rights 40 m²
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity

Public transportation access

Bus 0 km  
Airport 150 km  
Ferry 1 km  
Cycle path 0 km  


Pemeliharaan 60 € / year (1.013.438,33 Rp)
Air 10 € / month (168.906,39 Rp)
Listrik 30 € / month (506.719,17 Rp)

Biaya pembelian

Commission 1 %

This is how the buying of your property starts

  1. Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
  2. Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.

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