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Blok apartemen, Sito do Poço E, Alvor, 8500-002, Alvor

8500-002 Alvor

Holiday Rental Penthouse with Private Roof Terrace

Exquisite 2 bed, 2 bath penthouse with fully equipped kitchen, box garage, air-conditioning and set in a prime location. You can stroll around the picturesque cobbled streets lined with shops, bars and restaurants, drink sangria at the peaceful harbour whilst taking in the views or take a boat trip, walk the boardwalk to one of the outstanding beaches or dance the night away. Alvor has it all! This perfect holiday destination just keeps getting better, with nearby golf courses, airport with sky diving oportunities & outstanding beaches. Everything for the holiday of a lifetime!

Biaya sewa
1.470 € / pekan (26.043.258 Rp)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
114.9 m²

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Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 621556
Biaya sewa 1.470 € / pekan (26.043.258 Rp)
Masa kontrak Tak terbatas
Merokok diperbolehkan TIDAK
Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan TIDAK
Kamar 4
Kamar tidur 2
Kamar mandi 2
Ruang tamu 114.9 m²
luas keseluruhan 219.7 m²
Deskripsi wilayah Beautiful, picturesque fishing village with quaint cobbled streets to stroll around and stunning views to enjoy. With outstanding beaches , a peaceful marina with views across the bay to Lagos and a boardwalk leading to the sea, Alvor has everything you need for a claming, relaxing holiday. If however, it's fun and adventure you are looking for why not try a boat trip, or a thrilling sky dive then head to the village where there are shops, bars and restaurants in abundance for a fantastic night.
Pengukuran diverifikasi TIDAK
Pengukuran berdasarkan Informasi yang diberikan oleh pemilik
Lantai 3
Lantai perumahan 12
Kondisi Baru
Parkir Garasi
Terletak di lantai tertinggi Ya
Fitur AC, Jendela berlapis ganda, Pompa panas sumber udara
Tampilan Halaman belakang, Halaman pribadi, Lingkungan, Jalan, Kota, Laut, Alam, Taman
Penyimpanan Kabinet, Pakaian, Lemari/lemari
Telekomunikasi televisi digital, Internet , Internet serat optik
Permukaan dinding Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin keramik
Peralatan dapur Kompor keramik, Lemari es, Freezer , Kap dapur, Mesin pencuci piring, Oven terpisah, gelombang mikro, Mesin cuci
Peralatan kamar mandi Mandi, Bak mandi, Kabinet, Tenggelam, Tempat duduk toilet, Kabinet cermin
Keterangan Penthouse with jacuzzi, barbecue, shower & seating area on the private roof terrace is surrounded by 3 balconies less than 5 minute walk from picture perfect fishing village & stunning beaches.
Informasi tambahan For further information on prices and availability, please do not hesitate to contact us, as prices stated may vary. This apartment has a Habitation Licence number 75/18 issued under the town hall of Portimão and a Touristic Licence Number 741824/AL

Detail bangunan dan properti

Konstruksi dimulai 2017
Tahun konstruksi 2018
Inaugurasi 2018
Lantai 3
Mengangkat Ya
Jenis atap Atap datar
Ventilasi Ventilasi alami
Dasar Konkret
Kelas sertifikat energi A
Pemanas Pemanasan matahari, Pompa panas udara-air
Bahan bangunan Bata, Konkret
Bahan fasad Plester, Batu
Area umum Lobi, Kolam renang, Garasi
Jumlah tempat parkir 2
Jumlah bangunan 1
Medan Kemiringan yang landai
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Memiliki
Situasi perencanaan Tidak ada rencana
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik, Gas

Kelas sertifikat energi



RSUD 1 km  
Pusat kesehatan 0.1 km  
Pantai 0.5 km  
Marina 0.3 km  
Golf 2 km  
Tempat bermain 0.2 km  
Toko kelontong 0.1 km  

Akses transportasi umum

Bandara 75 km  
Kereta 7 km