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别墅, Reinontie 4

01400 Vantaa, Rekola

A stylish house in a comfortable location

Now comprehensively renovated in 2024, a spacious and stylish detached house for sale from Rekola. Excellent layout on one level, spacious rooms, utility room, fireplace room and two bathrooms. There is a convenient kitchen in the hall and the house also has its own office. In addition, own spacious garage and outdoor storage. Large and sheltered private plot. A quiet and comfortable area with kindergartens and schools nearby and good opportunities for outdoor activities. Immediately available! Call and arrange a demonstration.

Pasi Saarinen

Pasi Saarinen

English Finnish
Habita Helsinki
€349,000 (¥2,753,068)
125 平方米


房产登记号 659134
销售价格 €349,000 (¥2,753,068)
房间 5
卧室 3
浴室 2
带卫生间的浴室 2
居住面积 125 平方米
总面积 170 平方米
其他空间面积 45 平方米
生活空间描述 Living room, open kitchen, three bedrooms, fireplace room, utility room, wardrobe, bathroom, two bathrooms, sauna
其他空间说明 Garage, technical space, study/storage, outdoor storage+basement
区域描述 According to construction drawings, apartment area 125 m² and building areas: apartment 143 m², utility rooms 44 m², total 187 m². In addition, the property has a separate storage building with a basement, construction area 18 m².
测量结果基于 由业主给出的信息
楼层 1
居住楼层 1
条件 良好
停车场 庭院停车位, 车库
功能 空气源热泵, 热回收, 壁炉, 锅炉
空间 开放式厨房
卧室 (东北)
起居室 (西南)
壁炉房 (西南)
风景 庭院, 社区邻里
储藏室 橱柜, 进入式衣帽间, 室外储藏室, 阁楼
电信 光纤互联网, 天线
地板表面 瓷砖, 乙烯基地板
墙面 油漆
浴室表面 瓷砖
厨具设备 烤箱, 感应炉, 冷冻冷藏箱, 橱柜, 厨房油烟机, 洗碗机, 独立式烤箱, 微波炉
卫浴设备 淋浴, 洗衣机管线连接口, 地板供暖, 水槽, 挂墙式淋浴设备, 马桶坐圈, 镜子, 镜柜
杂物间设备 洗衣机管线连接口, 水槽
查验 条件评估 (2024年6月3日), Condition inspection of housing trade / Tervatek

条件评估 (2022年8月10日), Property condition inspection RS³ / Raksystems Insinööritoimisto Oy
石棉调查 该建筑物建于1994年之前,石棉调查尚未完成。
描述 3br, living room, pen kitchen, two bahtrooms, garace


建造已开始 1986
建设年份 1989
落成典礼 1989
地板 1
屋顶类型 四坡屋顶
通风 机械通气
地基 地面支撑混凝土板
能源证书类别 D , 2018
供暖 电力供热, 供暖壁炉或火炉, 暖气片, 地板下供暖, 空气源热泵
建筑材料 木材, 砖块
屋顶材料 混凝土瓦
立面材料 砖砌体墙板 , 木板贴面
装修 通风装置 2024 (完成), IV machine renewed Vallox 125A MV RA12 (LTO), system cleaning, valve measurement and adjustment and inlet air valves. 2023 Air source heat pump Panasonic NZ35VKE installed
其他 2023 (完成), -2024 The kitchen was completely renovated, at the same time the wall between the kitchen and the living room was removed. New home appliances. All wall surfaces painted, intermediate doors renewed. Floor-mounted vinyl plank SAARISTO, product Vinyyllattiakauppa, Nordicfloors. The wall between the hall and the reservation room is opened, the floor is waterproofed with Kiillo products and tiled. The washing station connected to the hall is also waterproofed with Kiillo products and tiled. The toilet near the main door has been renovated and a shower has been added, waterproofed with Kiillo products and tiled. The original ceiling panels have been painted, the ceiling of the vestibule, the new toilet and shower room, the ceilings of the cloakroom, the fireplace room, the utility room and the small room at the back, new ceiling panels. 2015 Sauna and bathroom renovated
地下排水道 2023 (完成), The drainage system and rainwater pipes with drain wells have been renewed
电力 2023 (完成), Main power center and electricity renewed
水管 2023 (完成), All incoming water pipes renewed
其他 2023 (完成), Lifting and stabilizing the floor structures of the fireplace room
屋顶 2016 (完成), Maintenance cleaning of the roof
公共区域 技工室, 车库
房产参考号 92-415-1-527
每年的房产税 992.97 €
7,832.99 ¥
房产的抵押权 230,000 € (1,814,342.81 ¥)
5 electronic pledge books, handed over to the buyer free of charge during the transaction.
维护 Omatoiminen
地块地区 1474 平方米
停车场数量 3
建筑物数量 2
地形 平地
土地所有权 自有
规划情况 详图
AO-1, ​​block area of ​​small detached houses, City of Vantaa tel. 09 8392 2242.
建筑物产权 291 平方米
e=0.2, In addition to the maximum permitted floor area, a maximum of 40 square meters of utility space may be built per apartment. Remaining building right approx. 100 m².
市政工程 水, 下水道, 电力




海滩 0.4 公里, Havukoski beach
幼儿园 0.5 公里, Koivukylä daycare
学校 0.5 公里, Koivukylä school
健身俱乐部 0.9 公里, Easyfit Rekola
医院 1.5 公里, Peijas hospital
杂货店 1.5 公里, K-Citymarket, S-Market and LIDL Koivukylä


公共汽车 0.1 公里  
火车 1.4 公里, Koivukylä train station


房产税 992.97 € / 年份 (7,832.99 ¥)
电力 160 € / 月份 (1,262.15 ¥)


转让税 3 %
合同 €115 (¥907)


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