别墅土地, Las Lagunas land Cap Cana
Cap Cana
Land has 1221.56 m2 and owner has a villa renders with architectural plan for sell if you love it. Cap Cana has it all, Marina, beach, zip lining, blue lagoons, golf, and the upcoming water park. We will show image of the villa (renders), meaning we are selling the land and optionally the plan of the villa. If you do not like the villa, you do what you want with your land after purchasing it!!!
房产登记号 | 648143 |
销售价格 | US$370,000 (¥2,706,292) |
空缺 |
Land to build villa in Las Lagunas Cap Cana |
地块地区 | 1221.6 平方米 |
地形 | 平地 |
海岸线 | 1000 米 |
道路 | 是 |
土地所有权 | 自有 |
规划情况 | 总体规划 |
建筑物产权 | 1221.6 平方米 |
市政工程 | 水, 下水道, 电力, 燃气 |
转让税 | 3 % |
公证人 | 1.5 % |
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