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Habita Kotka

Sales Representative / Kiinteistönvälittäjä

Kymen Habita hakee uutta menestyjää. Onko sinusta osaksi meidän huipputiimiä?

Tarvitset vain asennetta, uskallusta ja halua oppia uutta.
Me koulutamme ja autamme sinut alkuun.

Soita 050 420 0060 Tom Lindfors, niin kerron lisää!

Olethan nopea, sillä paikka täytetään heti sopivan löydettyä!


Contact person

Tom Lindfors

English Finnish Swedish
Real Estate Agent
Habita Mäntsälä
Finnish real estate qualification

Contact us

Habita Kotka

Welcome to Habita Kotka, where we are committed to helping our clients achieve their dreams of buying, selling, or renting property. Our team of experienced professionals takes pride in providing personalized service and expert guidance to ensure that our clients make informed decisions every step of the way. We strive to maintain a positive and supportive work environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and grow professionally. If you are passionate about real estate and enjoy working in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, we invite you to join our team and become a part of our success story.

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